Invoice Tracking and Generation for small to medium sized businesses. Contact: Darcy Brockbank The Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation phone: 514/499-2067 fax: 514/499-3666 The Hutchison Avenue Software Corp. announced the release date for "Invoice" today. Invoice is an application aimed at helping businesses track and generate invoices. The release date is scheduled for September 30th, and Hutchison will be taking orders starting today. In busy small and medium-sized businesses, there can often seem to be more work to be done than time in which to accomplish it all. Most people in such businesses wear more than one hat and may have to switch hats repeatedly in the course of a day or week or month. ``Account Manager'' may be only one of many hats a single individual wears, and consequently only one of many tasks they are juggling. Everyone knows the billings are important for the future of the business, but so is supporting clients, meeting product or service deadlines, etc. As well, cash flow is a constant challenge for small and medium-sized businesses trying to at least stay alive, and more likely, grow and develop. Billings handled ineffectively can have serious implications for cash flow and consequently for the future of a small or medium-sized business. We at Hutchison faced these challenges, as do many of our peers in the NEXTSTEP arena. Our aim was to come up with an application that took these challenges into account. Over the past year we've developed a Mission Critical Custom Application to solve these problems for us: Invoice. When we realized that everyone else was having the same problems that we did, we we decided to polish it up, and bring Invoice to market. It's a straightforward yet powerful application that provides reliable, effective invoice management while minimizing the time and energy required to keep track of billings. Henry McGilton of Trilition Software was one of the early beta testers for Invoice. "Invoice is a great match to the size of my business. It has just the right blend of features to handle my customer list and invoicing." said McGilton. Tim Reed, of Black Market Technologies, another early beta tester, said, "Invoice is one of the first applications that I've beta tested that I've been able to use out of the box for production work - and the production version is even better." Features -------- Invoice generation features allow you to... - generate the invoice you send to your client - expedite that invoice electronically, via NeXTmail, with the click of a button - tailor the look of your invoices (using RTF, ASCII, PostScript, or Diagram2 template files) - prepare and store invoices in any currency - define the transaction types (categories) of work your company invoices - define the tax names and rates that apply in your company - have your invoices numbered automatically - have your clients numbered automatically Invoice tracking features allow you to... - maintain a database of exchange rates so you can quickly summarize your billings in your preferred currency - prepare invoices in advance and be notified automatically by Invoice when the billing date arrives - set other notification flags to keep you advised on the status of invoices - apply various filters on selections of client and invoice information to get different views of your billings; these filters specify the: - billing interval of interest - currency or currencies of interest - payment status (advance, current, old) of interest - transaction types of interest - obtain invoice summaries (subtotal/taxes/total, paid/unpaid portions) by: - Client - Invoice - Selection - through the use of prioritized invoice labelling and sorting, allowing you to see at a glance those invoices which are (in order of priority): - Past due, and have not been sent - Due, and have not been sent - Past due, and have been sent - Due, and have been sent - Advance, and have been sent - Advance, and have not been sent Other Features include... - a plain-text ASCII format database which allows users to build additional tools - multiple multi-user invoice databases - database locking - client and/or invoice sorting by state, number or name - exporting of clients or invoices to a plain-text ASCII file of any format - On-line Manual Platform -------- Invoice requires at least NEXTSTEP 3.1, and is available for both Intel and Motorola architectures. Availability ------------ Invoice will ship on September 30, and will be available directly from Hutchison, as well as through various resellers. Pricing ------- Invoice is available at a suggested retail price of $199.00 (USD) Demos ----- We will be making a demonstration version of Invoice available on September 15 which will allow you to keep an invoice database consisting of a fixed number of invoices. In all other ways, this will be a full-featured version. If you send email to "" we'll send you the demo when it's ready on September 15th. Otherwise, you'll be able to find it on the archives: Note: is a slow link. About Hutchison Avenue Software: -------------------------------- The Hutchison Avenue Software Corporation is a software company based in Montreal, developing innovative custom and shrink-wrap solutions for corporate clients. Our clients include Equinox Capital Management, Telerate Systems, WSC Investment Services, Bell Canada, and Hewlett Packard.